Starting Affirmations: The words that we speak over ourselves and over our lives create our lives. I recommend using these examples to help inspire you to write your own affirmations in the positive, in the present, and in the first person. Here are 10 affirmation examples in the top 7 life categories to get you started. I also highly recommend that you record your affirmations in your own voice, as doing so, gives you the chance to hear your own affirmations, in your own voice, speaking back to you. If you find that a particular affirmation feels too disconnected from where you are now, please add “I am learning to OR I am learning that” to the beginning of the statement to create a bridge between where you are and where you are heading. (From the book Super Sparkly Everything by Maria Milagros Vazquez)
Reticular Activating System:
This part of the brain helps us find evidence of whatever we focus on.
When we shift our stories- our mindset, attitude and energy to the possibilities, to the positivity and to our potential, we activate this part of the brain to find evidence that supports that focus. Affirmations help reinforce that focus.
Use your reticular activating system in your favor by aligning your thoughts and words with the future and life you want to create.
Use your Reticular Activating System to your benefit:
Below the affirmations are the 10 Commandments of Super Sparkly Everything and of the Self-Love Journey Club.
1. The power of greatness lives in me.
2. I am strong, courageous, creative, resourceful and intelligent and can handle anything life throws my way.
3. This will turn out in my favor because I believe it will. All things will work together to bring what is good and pleasing into my life.
4. I am never alone and can connect to my higher self or higher power at any time. I stay focused on that reality for my life.
5. I pray as a way of showing my gratitude for what I have and for what I’m calling into my life.
6. I will do what I can in every situation to the best of my ability. I will surrender the rest and trust my higher self or higher power to manage the rest.
7. I am a child of love. I was born of love and will be intentional about returning to my natural state of love, towards myself and others.
8. I spend time in gratitude daily. This practice is spiritually, mentally and emotionally beneficial.
9. I pay attention to my thoughts, words and actions and intentionally shift to a space of love, easily and gently.
10. I practice trusting the greater good in me and in the world. This will shift my perspective which will allow me to see more good and that will eventually create deeper levels of trust.
1. I love myself unconditionally.
2. I deeply appreciate and accept myself.
3. I am patient with myself as I progress towards continual greatness.
4. I am worthy of the best that life has to offer.
5. I am confident and self-assured.
6. I do my best and my best is always enough.
7. I am grateful for where I am and where I am headed.
8. I am positive, present and productive.
9. I am a necessary and an important part of the divine plan.
10. I do and pursue what I love because I am capable and worthy.
1. The ‘struggles' of today develop, within me, the strength for tomorrow. That strength will benefit every area of my life & help me inspire others.
2. I am free from any hindrance and able to raise above all circumstances.
3. My emotions are always under control because I know how to shift when necessary.
4. I am willing to take the ‘risks’ necessary to live my life openly and honestly.
5. I acknowledge my feelings as a necessary part of my healing process.
6. I fill my mind with positive, nurturing and healing thoughts. I take full responsibility for my happiness.
7. I forgive myself for the love and affection that I withheld from myself and others.
8. I forgive others for hurting me and recognize that they are doing the best they could, as am I. I recognize when their patterns continue to be hurtful and remove myself from those cycles and patterns.
9. I am a good person and deserve to be happy and healthy.
10. I approach each day with enthusiasm and sleep fulfilled that I was able to contribute to the world for the better.
1. I sleep peacefully through the night and wake up well rested and refreshed.
2. My body is whole, healthy and healed.
3. Every bone, muscle, fiber and cell of my body operates in accordance with its purpose, individually and united.
4. My body is an amazing vessel capable of anything.
5. I fuel my body with the food, exercise, rest and conditions that it needs to maintain its health.
6. I have 20/20 vision.
7. I build a relationship with my body so that I can recognize my body’s needs and I meet them.
8. I generate positive and vibrant energy and bring it everywhere I go.
9. I look and feel amazing in my skin and in my body.
10. I appreciate, accept and love my body.
1. I am a learner. I am capable of learning anything with time, discipline and consistency.
2. I am open to new knowledge and information that will continuously better my life.
3. I have an amazing memory and capacity of learning, connecting and making associations for my memory.
4. I am a seeker of inspiration and creativity.
5. I look for, seek out, and find creativity and knowledge.
6. I am confident to implement and use my knowledge to benefit every area of my life.
7. I use my knowledge to find solutions, recognize options, and choices. I make healthy decisions.
8. I am successful in every arena of my life. I am the one who gets to define success for my life.
9. I call positive, inspiring, motivating and uplifting friends, mentors and teachers into my life.
10. I complete all projects, tasks and learning that benefit my life.
1. I am blessed and a blessing to others.
2. I am capable of sharing and accepting love.
3. I am a loving, kind and patient human.
4. I ask for what I need with truth and love. I set healthy boundaries accordingly.
5. My presence impacts others for the better.
6. I am articulate and able to express myself so that others understand me.
7. I seek to understand others, remembering that they are on their own journey. I let them off the hook for my happiness.
8. I have amazing supportive relationships and I am the example of the what I will allow in my life.
9. I invite only healthy, honest, loving and supportive relationships into my life.
10. I treat others from a place of gratitude and love in every situation and circumstance.
1. I am deserving and worthy of monetary prosperity.
2. I receive bonuses, raises, checks in the mail and am limitless in my finances.
3. I give generously and reap generously.
4. I do a wonderful work in a wonderful way. I give wonderful service for a wonderful pay.
5. I live in financial freedom. I love money and money loves me.
6. I am a good steward with all that I am trusted with, including my finances.
7. I am an irresistible magnet to all that is mine by divine right, money included.
8. I trust myself to manage money honestly and sensibly.
9. I am able to have more money than I need. I have a healthy relationship with money.
10. I can make all the money I need doing a job I love.