Testimonies from speaking and coaching members-

Maria was solicited as a guest speaker for our agency’s employee annual meeting, which brings all 250 of our staff together, as well as board members and other special guests from the community. Maria gave an incredibly inspiring and impactful speech on owning your story that truly energized the audience. Her speech was inclusive and lifted everyone in confidence and positivity. Maria is a woman with an incredible background, having overcome hardship to show the universe that anything is possible in a way that is relatable to anyone listening. We hope to utilize Maria in the future for staff and client workshops!
— Erin Jansky, Chief Employee Experience Officer, Worcester Housing Authority
The 2021-2022 school year has presented challenges to teachers in so many ways. As noted in a recent edition of Educational Leadership, “Palpable stressors related to increased COVID-19 exposure, demands around intermittent remote learning, and adjusting to ever-changing school health mandates have caused heightened worry and frustration among many [educators].” At FHS, we knew that our teachers needed a different approach at our 4th quarter faculty meeting. We needed to be inspired, we needed to remember our purpose, and we needed to be honest about our own needs as human beings and how to take care of those needs. Maria Vazquez was the perfect person for our team as she blended a message of hope, humor, and reality that truly resonated with our team of urban educators. My staff entered our meeting space at the end of a long day with skepticism in their eyes but after an hour with Maria they left with energy and optimism. Many stopped to take selfies with her and express their gratitude. One even offered to pay for her and her daughter’s breakfast the next day! It was a powerful experience, and I have recommended her to many of my colleagues as I know she is needed right now. Don’t hesitate, get Maria Vazquez to your school and you will be happy you did.
— Jeremy Roche, Principal Fitchburg Public Schools

Maria I saw you speak at a Women’s Conference a few years ago. It was just chance that I happened to be in the audience of your panel discussion. I was drawn to your electric vibe. You shared a story about authenticity, self-worth, and self-confidence and I immediately thought “I need to know Maria”. It turns out that it wasn’t chance but rather some sort of divine situation because I’ve so enjoyed hearing you speak your truth many more times since. It was an honor to have you join our Women’s Engagement Group as a guest speaker and again the audience was enraptured. Your light shines so brightly that others start to glow as a result. That’s the impact you’ve had on me and many others. Xo
— Lisa Campopiano, Co-Founder of Women’s Engagement Group

I had the honor and pleasure of taking several workshops with Maria and it was the best thing I could have ever done. At the time I took my first workshop with her- Loving Yourself Part I (and later Part II), I was in a place of confusion, obscurity and, well, just a hot mess! I wasn't sure what to expect and honestly wasn't sure if I was open to what the workshop entailed. But from the moment I stepped into the room I thought, "yes, I am supposed to be here." From the beginning of the workshop to the end I was able to feel, to acknowledge, to let go, to step up and be open. Be open with myself, with my thoughts and emotions.  Through Maria's energetic personality and no nonsense tell-it-like-it-is approach, she was able to reach down inside and pull out a side of me I never knew existed or perhaps was afraid to express. Maria set me on a path of self discovery to who I was meant to be and not what I thought I was expected to be. She allowed me to see that I am an individual, I do have a purpose, I do have something to give to this life. That I am a child of God and He has me in his heart and hands. Maria's ability to crack open the hard shell of resistance to self-awareness, self-love, and self-care is phenomenal. She gives you the necessary tools to help you on your journey to your most authentic self. Her encouragement, faith, and love for others is infectious. She is...well...Super Sparkly Everything! ~Melissa J.S.

Today I had the privilege of going to the loving yourself workshop by Maria Milagros. I left there feeling different (in a good way). I am truly grateful for her being able to share her story and why she does what she does to help other's live a better life. Her passion to help other's grow is one of the most beautiful thing's I've seen. The world needs more people like that. I definitely recommend her workshop to everyone! It was a great class taught by a beautiful, resilient, kind hearted, enthusiastic, inspiring and humble woman who knows what she's talking about!! Feeling extremely blessed tonight ♡ Thank you SO much Maria for who you are and what you do! Your optimism is infectious and I pray God will bless your business as you continue to bless other's. ♡      ~Christie R. 

When I attended the Loving Yourself Workshop Part 1, I realized the importance of taking care of myself, and going to the gym is one way to take care of myself. I have also been feeling much better about myself. I verbalize more gratitude and affirmations daily.

I also learned that a lot of the unworthiness I felt was rooted from comparing myself to others. It was the veil that kept me from seeing any value in myself. Attending your workshop tore that veil...by confessing positive affirmations daily, and confessing the things I am grateful for helped me to embrace and accept myself for who I am, and who God has created me to be. I can't even remember the last time I said something negative about myself since the workshop. I did one time, and it was with a conversation with a friend. I jokingly said something about myself, but it just didn't agree with me because it didn't bear truth, so immediately I changed it to a positive affirmation. I have learned to forgive myself immediately when I fall short, and ask God to help me in my weakness. Before attending the workshop seminar, I would stew on the things I did "wrong" or "how I didn't measure up to my expectations" which would steal my joy. Now, I don't stew on those things, I release it to God and move on about my day. So liberating! I have had a couple of my friends say that I am smiling more, which is a good thing! 

THANK YOU! Before attending your seminar, my cup had lots of holes in it, so even if people said great things to me, it never filled my cup because it just dumped right back out on the ground the moment it was put in. My cup has been restored, no more drips or leaks. Now I am able to experience some of this overflow and it is so wonderful! Thank you for all that you do! You are blessed and a blessing. ~Heidi L.

I have seen Maria present multiple times on different topics, and to a variety of audiences. Maria is an enthusiastic speaker who brings her authentic self to every presentation. This authenticity helps the audience feel engaged and open. Maria disarms you with humor and her signature story-telling style, and works to connect to her audience. I would high recommend her to anyone seeking a fresh voice and perspective. I have always left her presentations uplifted and inspired. ~Cindy Dalton, Public Relations Specialist, LUK, Inc.


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Maria is one of the best speakers I’ve ever heard. She’s engaging, funny, honest, and REAL. Maria captivates an audience with her charm and authentic stories. If you can see her speak - you MUST do it, and if you’re looking to book a speaker: trust me, she’s the women your audience needs to hear! They will LOVE her.
— Hanneke Antonelli CTACC Award-Winning Business Coach & Author, Savvy Business Masterminds
I just wanted to send a quick thank you for today’s incredible training! I cannot begin to tell you how valuable our folks found it – I’ve received numerous emails from staff around how great it was!
— Cortney Weinrich, Director of HR and Talent
That was such a great training! I loved how you personalized it to MOC and really made it relatable to our team. Katie and I both have a copy of your book and plan to share it with our teams. Thank you for the materials, I will forward it to staff. The team had only positive things to say about the training. We all needed that!
— Katie Reed Director of Family Education, Health & Wellness, MOC

I met Maria at the North Central Chamber of Commerce Sales leads meeting this Spring. When she introduced herself to the group and I heard her new company's mission, enthusiasm, passion, and love of Christ, I knew we shared the same core values and purpose and we would become fast friends. Since then, I have had the privilege to get to know her personally, share her journey, attend one of her Loving Yourself workshops and have her as a guest on my Talk Me Healthy Local Access TV shows. I can truly say, Maria is someone everyone should get to know both personally and professionally. She shines brightly in this sometimes challenging world and I believe everyone she interacts with will become a better version of themselves just from knowing her!  I know I already have! Thank you for being you Maria, the world needs more like you!

-Scherrie Keating RN, BSN, CDE, Diabetes Kare Consulting, LLC

A couple of months ago I had a reset session with Maria. I have not submitted a testimonial until now because I had a hard time finding the words to express what she has done for me. I have had an extremely blessed life and I appreciate all that is done for me, yet I had a hard time accepting these things and felt guilt attached to these beautiful gifts (I am not just speaking of material objects). I was stuck in a mindset that I was not worthy of all these amazing gifts. This led me to an unhealthy concern about what others thought of me. Maria’s exercise took me on a mindful and personal journey of why I was stuck in this mindset. Her process allowed me to free myself and I know truly know, believe and understand that not only am I worthy, but deserving of all the amazing gifts life has to offer. She has given me freedom in a way I never knew before. Her process works! I have already taken chances and started to SUCCESSFULLY navigate new adventures. Maria thank you for all you have done for me your gifts have allowed me to appreciate mine. ~Andi R.

Where do I begin. The impact from Loving Yourself - Part I is difficult to put into words. I can feel again. Or rather, I'm allowing myself to feel again. So much pent up guilt, anger, fear, uncertainty. To begin to let all that go and know it's OK to let it go was transforming. To give myself permission to forgive when all I wanted to do was stay angry and blame. I've learned that the past is just that...the past.  Thy only way that it can impact my present and future, is if I let it. I don't want to do that anymore. I've learned that fear is a strong emotion and de-motivator. Fear was holding me back from my purpose. And I won't lie, it still is to some extent, but the bonds are not as strong and I am growing stronger. Listening to Maria speak gave me the courage to chase purpose and not paper. Her encouragement, her love, and her willingness to embrace those attending was the most beautiful and humbling experience I've ever had. I'm looking forward to Part II of Loving Yourself. I still have work to do and Maria is the right person to help me get through it. ~Melissa

I have always been someone who lacks confidence, never feeling good enough or beautiful I've continued to rip myself apart for years! The Loving Yourself Workshop Part 1  was a blessing that God knew I was in desperate need of. This year especially with the transition of my first year at college has been very challenging for me. I have always put everyone above myself and I've slowly been drowning from it. I dated a boy for three years during high school and then got into a relationship my senior year of high school and have been with him for 7 months. It hasn't been the healthiest relationship and even my family and closest friends have noticed it. It started to scare me knowing that my loved ones were worried. A week before the workshop I had this feeling that I should get out of the relationship. After the workshop I felt that way even more. I saw my boyfriend the night after the workshop and he asked me how I felt about an open relationship. As you can imagine I was horrified and broken hearted and I finally said enough is enough. I ended it and it has not been the closest thing to easy but what Maria talked about, shared and taught during the workshop is what has been keeping me going. She is amazing and so gifted as a teacher. For the first time I have gained some confidence and I've been looking in the mirror and telling myself I am beautiful and I don't need a guy to tell me that. I am now trying to take time for only me, myself, and I because I know I need healing and I owe it to myself. I decided I need to stop thinking the way I do about myself like I don't deserve a guy who treats me like a princess because I do. My standards are being raised and I am going to learn to love myself. I really think God is responsible for this turn around of mine and I couldn't be anymore thankful; I feel so uplifted, loved, and so much weight came off my shoulders after the workshop and I know many other women feel the same way! I cannot wait for session two!! Again, I am so thankful for what Maria is doing! ~Anna E.

Maria was a captivating speaker that fully engaged the audience for our entire 1.5 hour presentation...with entertaining and inspirational anecdotes, exercises and instruction. I thoroughly enjoyed Maria's Power Presenter workshop at the NCM Chamber and would recommend her with high regards. ~Sam Squalia, Fitchburg City Councilor, Host of Discussing Fitchburg on FATV