Speaker. Coach. Author.

Bio & Background


My name is Maria Milagros Vazquez and I am the proud founder of my company Maria Milagros. I use my middle name because it means Miracle and I can’t think of a better name to use as I aspire to encourage, educate and empower others, while reminding them of the miracle their life is.

I do that by delivering powerful keynotes and leading transformative personal growth and development workshops.  I am a well-seasoned and well-flavored, 2x TEDx speaker, and award-winning keynote speaker. I share stories and data-proven techniques and tools that, when intentionally practiced, can create positive change.

I customize talks and workshops for conferences, meetings, celebrations, professional development days, and other events. 

I also coach women ages 30+ one-on-one or in small groups. I coach small groups within businesses and agencies.

More importantly, I am my first client, and I am a living example of everything I share and teach.

I know that if you transform your story, you'll transform your life.


More About Me.

  • BS in Sociology

  • 25+ yrs. Human Services Experience

  • 20+ yrs. Public Speaking Experience

  • 15+ yrs. of Personal & Professional Growth/Development

  • SSE Nominated for Top Female Authors Award

  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer

  • Crunch Certified Group Fitness Instructor

  • Certified Conflict Resolution & Mediation Facilitator

  • Certified Communication Facilitator

  • Life Coach

Even More About Me.

  • Abuse Survivor

  • Recovered Depressant

  • Rehabilitated fear & worry wart

  • Near death accident survivor

  • Anger management graduate

  • Lifelong student

  • Avid reader

  • Mentor & Coach

  • Fitness instructor

  • Personal growth & development addict

  • Curator of optimism & hope

  • Mother

TEDx, Talks & Testimonies

OVER 44k views so far! Thank you for watching and supporting.

Radical acceptance is a practice that we can use to keep us in the present moment to honor all our feelings without letting them take over. We get to decide how we respond to the ups and downs of life, and if we're open to it, we can even have fun along the way.

Please watch, comment and share.

Sometimes our children surprise us with their wisdom, but we need to be prepared to listen for it. In this touching story, you’ll see the power in shifting one’s perspective and the valuable lessons we learn when we do.

A gratitude practice can help us turn even some of the saddest stories into cheerful adventures. Asking ourselves this question can help us return to optimism and sanity.

Please watch, comment and share.

Metro South Chamber of Commerce 105th Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon November 2018

Metro South Chamber of Commerce 105th Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon

-Professional & Personal Growth and Development Specialist-

Compassionate Leadership *  Transformative Talks  * Empowering Coaching

Are you ready to be inspired and empowered? As a professional speaker, personal growth & development specialist, empowerment expert, and life coach, Maria brings all of her energy, positivity, hope and love into her talks and workshops, to remind others that they too have what it takes to live amazing life. By coupling relentless encouragement with personal development education (tools and techniques), she empowers others to create a life they love, so that they can use their gifts, skills and talents to make their mark on the world. Scroll down to complete the Contact Form to book her for a tailored talk or workshop for your business, event or group. 

You are such an inspiration! You lifted us, you inspired us, you created space for us to grow. For that and more, I am grateful. Thank you for being a huge part of an incredibly inspiring day! You are amazing, my friend. From dancing with our attendees, to your affirmations on stage, from your openness to engage with local women, to your energy to keep the conversations going. All of that made Wednesday night and our conference day life changing!
“Maria Vazquez is a dynamic, engaging speaker that held our audience with care in the palm of her hand. Her keynote presentation at the Central Mass Conference for Women was outstanding in every way, from personal ​experiences that truly resonated with our guests to actionable suggestions that our women put into practice right away. Maria gave us a very lively, energizing session that everyone in the room will remember and purposefully recall over and over. Sheer joy!”
— Jen Maseda - CEO, She's Local, Inc.

Central Mass She’s Local Conference for Women

National Auctioneers Association Women’s Forum Keynote

MEOA Annual Conference Keynote

Keynote Talk / Workshops Themes:

  • Professional & Personal Growth & Development **

  • Women’s Empowerment

  • Self-care & Self-love Practices

  • Compassionate Leadership Skills

  • Cultivating Community 

Talks are customized to the event theme, values & mission, and needs of the attendees.

** Top Professional Growth & Development Talks & Workshops

  • Burnout Prevention & Recovery

  • Work-Life Balance

  • GROW: Growth Mindset

  • Time & Priority Management

  • Rejection & Resilience

  • Compassionate Communication

  • Confidence 101

  • The Importance & Power of Mentorship

  • Finding Our JOY Again

  • Conflict Resolution

  • The Importance of Self-Care

  • Setting Boundaries

  • Public Speaking 101

  • The Magic of Storytelling


“The most powerful things we have are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what that means and what we’re capable and deserving of.” ~Maria Milagros Vazquez

Photos of Previous Presentations

More Sparkly Reviews...

"I have seen Maria present multiple times on different topics, and to a variety of audiences. Maria is an enthusiastic speaker who brings her authentic self to every presentation. This authenticity helps the audience feel engaged and open. Maria disarms you with humor and her signature story-telling style, and works to connect to her audience. I would high recommend her to anyone seeking a fresh voice and perspective. I have always left her presentations uplifted and inspired." ~Cindy Dalton, Public Relations Specialist, LUK, Inc.

After Maria’s workshop accolades started pouring in! This came from one parent: I had to let you know how much my daughter loved the workshop! She was so excited telling me about it and how much she learned today. Thank you for having this. She kept saying this was the best thing for me.
— -Karen Stack, CAST Andover Board Member
Maria’s passion about life’s purpose is beyond imagination. Maria not only connects with people, she empowers them. Here is what some of the young people said about Maria’s recent speaking event:
”She affected me a lot and I changed my mindset.”
”Maria was real. She opened my eyes with her story and encouragement.”
”I say show this presentation to the whole school. This would help out many people in this school.
— Train Wu, M.Ed, Mount Wachusett Community College, Division of Access and Transition
Whether you are part of a professional office or educational setting, support group, or faith organization, Maria Vazquez’s multi-talents will mold wellness topics to meet the needs of any audience. There are many motivational speakers to pick from, but many use the same theme repeatedly, merely tweaking the same topic slightly to satisfy an audience. On the contrary, Maria’s wellness topics are well thought out, tailored to the audience, and will be developed only after researching the audience’s specific needs and expectations.
— Richard Masciarelli, MEd., Chairperson, MEd. In Curriculum & Teaching, Fitchburg State University

Contact & Connect

Complete the Contact Form below to book a powerful and inspiring message that will be tailored to your business, event, or group.