Hello again.
Thank you for attending the MOC FRC Workshop ‘THRIVE’. Thank you for the work you do day in and day out to support families, each other and the community.
I also appreciate you sharing your time and energy with me.
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On this page you’ll find:
The THRIVE tips and 3 Rs of Burnout,
Recognizing burnout,
Info on the Reticular Activating System and a link to a short video to learn more,
Recovery discovery and resiliency building questions,
Affirmations & mantras to support your journey,
A button to SIGN UP for my FREE weekly emails which gets you access to 70 powerful affirmations for your practice,
Links for my 2 TEDx talks, 2 bonus Boundaries videos and a link to subscribe to my YouTube channel,
Links to connect for speaking and coaching services.
Tend to Your Boundaries
Honor Your Wins
Recover Basic Needs
Invite Help: Ask & Allow
Value Fun & Joy
Engage a New Story
The 3 R’s of Dealing with Burnout
Recover & Reverse
Causes of Burnout:
Pressure to be the perfect
Keeping up with the “Whoevers”
Taking on too much
Not asking for or accepting help
Pretending that everything is fine
Not having a safe space to have real conversations
Actual exhaustion from sleep deprivation or consistent sleep interruption due to stress
Feeling that the demands of work and life are greater than your resources
Feeling detached from your work (as a coping mechanism)
Unrealistic work demands
Doing work that isn’t aligned with strengths
Signs of Burnout:
Physical exhaustion
Fatigue, insomnia or sleep issues
Easily annoyed, agitated or irritable
Increased illness
Loss of appetite or increased appetite
Anxiety and/or Depression
Emotional exhaustion
Mentally drained
Detached or indifferent towards work
Increased cynicism, negativity or pessimism
Feeling as if you’re not good enough
Feeling as if you’ll never get it right
Feelings of hopelessness
Feelings of shame or guilt
When to get help:
Extremely low self-esteem
Feelings of hopelessness
Feelings of depression
Suicidal thoughts
Four Things are Needed for Change
✦Be self-aware & honest with yourself
✦Be intention about self-care
✦Be open to change
✦Be willing to take action
Reticular Activating System:
This part of the brain helps us find evidence of whatever we focus on.
When we shift our stories- our mindset, attitude and energy to the possibilities, to the positivity and to our potential, we activate this part of the brain to find evidence that supports that focus.
Use your reticular activating system in your favor by aligning your thoughts and words with the future and life you want to create.
Use your Reticular Activating System to your benefit: https://extension.umn.edu/two-you-video-series/ras
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges, rejections, and obstacles. Resilient people don’t just survive, they thrive.
Recovery Discovery & Resiliency Building Questions
Can I give myself 2 minutes to take deep breaths?
What boundary do I need to set here?
What in my life is going right?
What do I have to be grateful for?
What can I celebrate about myself and others?
How will I celebrate?
What basic need do I need to take care of?
Did I drink enough water today?
Have I moved today?
Did I eat enough well balanced foods? Did I eat at all?
How can I make sure I’m meeting my basic needs?
What do I need help with? Who can I ask?
What brings me joy?
What do I do for fun?
How can I include more joy and fun into the spaces of my life?
What is the story that I’m telling myself?
How can I shift that story to make it one that supports my mental and overall health?
“The most powerful thing we have are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what that means, and what we are capable and deserving of. Those stories impact and influence the thoughts we allow to linger and take root, the words that we speak, and the actions that we take. Those stories dictate the relationships we have, and how we interact in them. ”
Starting Affirmations: The words that we speak over ourselves and over our lives create our lives. I recommend using these examples to help inspire you to write your own affirmations in the positive, in the present, and in the first person. You can also record your affirmations in your own voice, as doing so, gives you the chance to hear your own affirmations, in your own voice, speaking back to you. If you find that a particular affirmation feels too disconnected from where you are now, please add “I am learning to OR I am learning that” to the beginning of the statement to create a bridge between where you are and where you are heading.
I practice self-awareness and can figure out what honors and supports me and what doesn’t.
I honor my values and priorities with my thoughts, words and actions.
I deserve to protect my energy.
I give myself permission to set boundaries and enforce them.
I embrace my right to set and maintain healthy boundaries.
I’m only one person and doing my best.
I take care of myself.
I intentionally build my resiliency muscles.
I am practicing gratitude and seeing all that is going well in my life.
I celebrate myself and the people around me.
I give myself permission to celebrate.
I am taking care of my basic human needs.
I pay attention to what I need and show up accordingly.
I am resilient and resourceful.
I have already overcome 100% of my worst days. I’m amazing!
I accept myself for who I am in this moment.
I’m always learning, growing and evolving.
I will make mistakes and fail. I will learn from my mistakes and failures.
I am learning to ask for help.
I am learning to let others help me, in their way
I value fun and joy and am intentional about creating it in my life.
I deserve fun and joy. It is my birthright.
I will be intentional about preparing my body, mind and spirit for life’s ups and downs.
I am the author of my life’s story and will create a story of peace and joy.
I am enough.
Get 70 Affirmations by Signing Up for my Weekly Emails.
Videos To Support Your Journey
Radical Acceptance.
Gratitude in the most unlikely of circumstances.
Creating New Stories.
Fix Your Face.
Want More Videos?
Downloadable Worksheet
Speaking & Coaching
Click HERE to learn more about my speaking services. (schools, colleges, universities, businesses, conferences, events, retreats) Photo from She’s Local Central MA 2022
Click HERE to learn more about my coaching services. (women age 25+, one-on-one or small group, company small groups) Photo by Jordan Kines.
Need a new book for your reading collection?
My book, Super Sparkly Everything, was written for anyone who is where I was… feeling down and stuck and sick and tired of being sick and tired. I had to finally connect with something greater than myself and take personal responsibility for every area of my life. And it was hard! At that time, I only knew that it was hard work.
But the more that I did the work, the more that I figured out what worked for me and what didn't, the more that I gave myself permission to enjoy the process and to feel good about all of it, the better I started to feel. I started to feel more alive and centered.
So I wrote this book to either jump start, help or inspire you to give yourself permission to be happy.
To take responsibility for your happiness and to let it flow so that you can live a life full of joy, peace, health and love.
A guided journal for self-love.
Loving ourselves means freedom from the need of external approval.
It means understanding that we are ALWAYS evolving and changing, and we give ourselves room and permission to do so.
It means breaking old cycles that no longer serve us, creating boundaries that support our overall well-being, and cultivating healthy practices that build both.
It means not needing to compare or compete because we’re aware and confident enough to know that we are the only one of us and that is ENOUGH.
It means being able to give from an overflow of love and joy. That means healthier interactions and relationships. Getting back to a place where we love ourselves can feel challenging because we have to shift the momentum and transform our mindsets.
We can do that through intentional and consistent practices. I believe in starting small. Small steps are the most realistic and sustainable. On my own journey I began to realize the power in the minutia of our words. The words that we choose can support or sabotage the new and empowering stories we want to create.
Words. Small. One at a time. One a day.
From that personal practice and transformative experience, I give you- The Love Journey.
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